Preparing For An interview

It’s vital to prepare for an interview well. You should learn the company’s rules and etiquette and have a basic understanding of the job requirements. Even if you’re renewing your contract, you may need to go over the company’s policies and procedures. If you’re nervous, practicing will help you manage your nervousness and perform well in the interview. Practice making your responses clear and specific to the desired outcome.

Body Language

While you’re preparing for an interview, try to avoid showing your nervousness by controlling your body language. Don’t cross your legs, lean into the interviewer, or use other restless habits to communicate your discomfort. You might even want to mention if you’re disabled or have an illness. You can also practice being still by avoiding fiddling with your nails, jewellery, or handbag. These actions can give the interviewer a negative impression.

Preparing Answers To Behavioural Interview Questions

When answering behavioural interview questions, remember to focus on your strengths. STAR (situation, task, action, result) format is a good guide to answer these questions in the best way possible. STAR format ensures that you include relevant information without overwhelming the interviewer

Arriving Early

Arriving early for an interview can help you avoid any delays in the hiring process. If you are scheduled to meet with a hiring manager, it is better to arrive at least ten minutes before the scheduled time. This will allow you time to get settled and to make sure you’re dressed appropriately. It is also a good idea to practice your interview manners by looking in the mirror before leaving your home. Remember to smile and act enthusiastic about your job search.