Pay Yourself First

If you want to have an easier time saving and preventing impulsive spending, you should pay yourself first. This means setting aside a certain amount of your income each month to be used for savings. You can also automate your savings to make it easier.


When you’re budgeting your money, it’s important to divide expenses into key categories. These categories are important for understanding how your spending is going and where you might be overspending. The 50-20-30 rule is one way to do it. It splits your paycheck into three categories – needs, wants and savings.

Needs are things you need to buy to live. This includes things like groceries and clothing. Wants are extras you may want to buy. Examples of wants include travel and dining out.

Adjust Budget To Income Fluctuation

A first step is to identify your essential living costs. These include insurance, debt payments, and other recurring expenses. Then, consider whether you need to cut your discretionary spending. For instance, you might decide to stop going out for dinner or cut back on your gym membership.