The most crucial part to determine the rest of your day is the 1 hour after waking up. A lot of people are not the happiest when waking up in the morning to get ready for the day ahead and view it as a chore. By putting yourself into a positive routine each morning this will help you wake up happy and push you towards a more positive and productive day. Here we look at the various steps that can help you wake up happy and ready for the day ahead.
The Most Important Meal of the Day
We all remember our parents telling us never to skip breakfast. Well they were right! Most of us miss this part of the morning because of lack of time (and sleep!). After spending 6-8 hours asleep we need to refuel our body’s to kick start the day. Try and invest in a breakfast that you will look forward to having in the morning. Overnight oats is one of the most popular breakfast trends just now. Very quick to make with minimal effort and it’s also delicious!
Stretch it out
After spending hours in lying down in the same position it’s good to wake up and stretch those muscles to get the blood flowing around the body. Even stretching under the covers allows those endorphin’s to release alleviating stress levels leaving room for a more positive mind set.
Avoid Technology
We all know to avoid technology before we go to bed to help us with a restful night’s sleep. The same goes for your morning routine. Skip the updates and choose to focus your routine on getting your mind and body ready for the day ahead. Watching television or scouring over social media can distract you from concentrating on the more important tasks in the morning. Instead why not play an upbeat feel good playlist with all your favourite songs. Music is proven to have a significant impact on increasing your mood so why not make it part of your morning routine.
Energy Boost with Exercise
Exercise is everywhere. People who exercise in the morning feel significantly more energised and believe it contributes to a more productive day. A morning workout will boost your endorphins allowing you to feel more positive about the day ahead. Your appetite will increase which is another plus to the morning workout. This could be a gym class or session to brisk walk or even a quick yoga stretch to help boost your morning.
Preparation is Key
Keep your morning routine clear and relaxed by having everything prepared the night before. By using breakfast recipes such as overnight oats this allows you to use that time elsewhere. Instead of rushing to put together your work bag or fiddling to find those keys, keep it all in the same place each night to ensure a smooth departure from your home. This will help you wake up happy with fewer worries in the morning.