The digital revolution has seen the rise of new forms of media and new types of journalism. It is no wonder when one considers the evolution of digital video, radio, and print to the point where these days people cannot walk down the street without coming across an ad for a TV, radio, or even an internet service provider. However, how does it impact the way we look at journalism? And will it become less important in the future?

Ever-Changing Media Information
Nowadays, journalism is not just about information. It is about news and the reporting of the day’s events and stories. When it comes to this, however, there is no going back to the traditional format of journalism.
It is hard to think about journalism and television together because the two are different animals. Television provides entertainment whereas journalism is about real-world issues that can impact people. Television is more of a visual medium and it relies on images and pictures to inform its audience about what they are watching. With television, you can watch what you like and you do not have to sit through the entire program if it is too long.

In contrast, with newspapers, magazines, and radio, you do have to sit through the entire show and you can either choose to read the article or listen to the voice over. Because newspapers and magazines are usually full of advertisements, they do not often provide enough time to discuss the finer points of the articles they publish. With television, it is all on you. You can either watch what you like or skip to the next segment when something else catches your attention.
Modern-Day Changes
For the past twenty years or so, modern-day journalism has been largely based around the need to inform viewers about current events, political happenings, or any number of other things that affect their lives. These events are often covered by news stations and journalists and if they cover them in a timely manner, people feel that they have received the facts they need to make an informed decision about the topic. As more people turn to their televisions for their news, they also find themselves relying heavily on these media outlets to keep up with the times.
Digital video has had some impact on journalism. While digital video is mostly used in television programs, it is beginning to be used in magazines and newspapers as well. Even newspapers are taking a closer look at the use of digital video in their daily operations. This may not necessarily be a bad thing, but it is certainly a step in the wrong direction. In fact, digital video could be seen as a sign of the death of traditional journalism.